Tending our relationship with the natural world.
An Invitation
You are invited. Whether as an individual, or whether you facilitate or host groups or events, our tool is free to use and a great way to contribute to a global conversation and community of practice.
We can help offer questions for facilitated discussion, curate responses and and suggest speakers.
You can begin by sharing your connection with natural world through our short and simple survey either as an individual or as part of a group.
Contribute as a Group
Do you teach, host, or facilitate groups from as small as a dinner gathering to large conferences? Our group survey uses a code to aggregate individual responses from your group, which we then share with you.
Groups are discovering that this a powerful way to discuss and collectively explore their connections with the natural world. Simply, create a short code, share it with your group, and have them enter the code before they begin the group survey.
Reach out for our generative questions to help engage your group. And feel free to share with us questions that have worked for you!